Friday, July 16, 2010

Otakon and some fab cards~!

The Otakon Lolita show is happening! I'm pleased to announce for sure that the 2010 Otakon Lolita fashion will be going on this year!
I Do Declare will be showing new looks alongside Morrigan NYC, Perinanth, O so Wrong O so Right and Lolita Nouveau!

I'm really excited to have all these wonderful designers along for the ride this year! If you happen to be attending Otakon this yeat please stop by and say hello after the show~!

And I will for the first time ever be prepared with bussiness cards! They aren't to fancy but I think they are cute (in a darkish sort of way)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Otakon Lolita Fashion show 2010

Hey everyone! I wanted to let you know that the Lolita Fashion sow at Otakon will be going on this year! But we need models~! This will be your chance to model for some of the best lolita brands in the US~!

So if you are going to to Otakon and would like to be involved please fill out the model form HERE

If you are going to Otakon but don't have a livejournal feel free to fill out the model form and leave it as a comment here~!

LJ username:
Photos: (please make sure at least one picture is a clear full body shot so that your designer will have an idea what kind of figure you have)
Email address:

Thanks everyone~!